Wednesday, June 27, 2012


In my opinion, the purpose of blogging is to communicate with different audiences about distinct and/or specific topics. People create blogs for various reasons. Some people use blogs to share their experiences, opinions, feelings, and hobbies with intended audiences.

When designing a blog its important to create a site that is appealing and easy on the eye. Some people tend to get caught up in too much color and graphics. Although creating a unique blog can be rewarding you should also remember not to over-do it. An audience has to be able to read the information you are communicating and that can become difficult to do if there are too many graphic and color distractions.

Blogging allows you to express yourself and your experiences but also allows your audience to respond and communicate with you. When first starting a blog do not be discouraged if your audience base is not as large as you would like. Over time your audience base can increase. Remember, staying on topic and ensuring that your blog is up to date is imperative in keeping your audience attention.

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